Запис на членство

We are delighted that you are interested in becoming a member of our local Ukrainian church,  EBCK. We are a community of believers who love God and His Word, and who seek to serve Him in every area of our lives. We welcome you to join us in worship, fellowship, and ministry, and to grow with us in faith. We look forward to getting to know you better and to sharing with you the joy and hope that we have in Jesus Christ. Please fill out the form below.

Family Members | Склад Сім'ї

Add Family members | Вкажіть членів сімʼї

Emergency Contact number | Контактний телефон

Засвідчую достовірність вище приведеної інформації
Ознайомився з основними принципами Церкви Євангельських Християн-Баптистів м. Кент і зобовязуюсь бути гідним її членом.
By my signature below I certify the accuracy of provided information. I got acquainted with basic principles and the doctrine of EBCK and
pledge to be a faithful member of my church.